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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Basic Types of story.

There are only eight types of stories.

  2. The fatal flaw that leads to the destruction of the previously flawless individual Examples.
    • Samson and Delilah
    • Othello
    • Superman
    • Fatal Attraction
    • film noir

    This is also the cornerstone of the crime drama-the flaw belong not to the hero,but the villain.
    • Columlbo
    • CSI,-crime Scene Investigation
    • Murder
    • She Wrote
    • Inspector Morse

  4. The innocent abroad,naive optimisim triumphant;the hero('good man')who cannot be kept down Examples.
    • Chariots Of Fire
    • Forrest Gump
    • Indiana Jones
    • James Bond films
    • Mr. Bean
    • Billy Elliot
    • Erin Brockpvich
    • Amelie
    • A beautiful Mind

  6. The dream come true;unrecognized virtue recognized at last;goodness triumphant after after being initially despised; reward achieved through transformed circumstances. Examples.
    • Pretty Women
    • Rocky
    • Strictly Ballroom
    • Star Wars
    • My Big Fat Greek Wedding
    • Shrek
    • Erin Brockovich
  7. CIRCE

  8. The chase ;the spider and the fly; the innocent and the victim;mostly the temptress ensnaring the love-struck male. Examples.
    • Godfather 1
    • Otheleo
    • Double Indemnity
    • Body Heat
    • 9(1/2)
    • Weeks
    • Amelie
    • Insomenia
    • Dangerous Liasons
    • film noir
  9. FAUST

  10. Selling your soul to the devil may bring rewards ,but eventually there is a price to be paid; the long term debt; the uncovered secrets that catches upwith us sooner or later and damns us;the inescapability of Fate . Examples.
    • Wall Street
    • The seventh Seal
    • The skulls
    • Boiler Room
    • Devils's Advocate
    • Traffic
    • The Red Shoes
    • horror
    • spaghetti

  12. The gift Taken away,the loss of something,personal.Either about the tragedy of the loss itself or the search which follows the loss. Examples.
    • Dr.Zhivago
    • Rain Man
    • Signs
    • Jason And The Argonauts

  14. Boy meets girl,boy loses girl,boy finds/does not find girl-it doesn't matter which. Examples.
    • The Graduate
    • Sleepless In Seatle
    • Notting Hills
    • Titanic
    • Shakespear In Love

  16. Triangles(eternal or otherwise);man loves woman and unfortunately, one or both are already spoken for . Examples.
    • The Graduate
    • Jules et Jim
    • Penniies From Heaven
    • Remains Of The Day
    • Dangerous Liaisons

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