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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Basic Types of story.

There are only eight types of stories.

  2. The fatal flaw that leads to the destruction of the previously flawless individual Examples.
    • Samson and Delilah
    • Othello
    • Superman
    • Fatal Attraction
    • film noir

    This is also the cornerstone of the crime drama-the flaw belong not to the hero,but the villain.
    • Columlbo
    • CSI,-crime Scene Investigation
    • Murder
    • She Wrote
    • Inspector Morse

  4. The innocent abroad,naive optimisim triumphant;the hero('good man')who cannot be kept down Examples.
    • Chariots Of Fire
    • Forrest Gump
    • Indiana Jones
    • James Bond films
    • Mr. Bean
    • Billy Elliot
    • Erin Brockpvich
    • Amelie
    • A beautiful Mind

  6. The dream come true;unrecognized virtue recognized at last;goodness triumphant after after being initially despised; reward achieved through transformed circumstances. Examples.
    • Pretty Women
    • Rocky
    • Strictly Ballroom
    • Star Wars
    • My Big Fat Greek Wedding
    • Shrek
    • Erin Brockovich
  7. CIRCE

  8. The chase ;the spider and the fly; the innocent and the victim;mostly the temptress ensnaring the love-struck male. Examples.
    • Godfather 1
    • Otheleo
    • Double Indemnity
    • Body Heat
    • 9(1/2)
    • Weeks
    • Amelie
    • Insomenia
    • Dangerous Liasons
    • film noir
  9. FAUST

  10. Selling your soul to the devil may bring rewards ,but eventually there is a price to be paid; the long term debt; the uncovered secrets that catches upwith us sooner or later and damns us;the inescapability of Fate . Examples.
    • Wall Street
    • The seventh Seal
    • The skulls
    • Boiler Room
    • Devils's Advocate
    • Traffic
    • The Red Shoes
    • horror
    • spaghetti

  12. The gift Taken away,the loss of something,personal.Either about the tragedy of the loss itself or the search which follows the loss. Examples.
    • Dr.Zhivago
    • Rain Man
    • Signs
    • Jason And The Argonauts

  14. Boy meets girl,boy loses girl,boy finds/does not find girl-it doesn't matter which. Examples.
    • The Graduate
    • Sleepless In Seatle
    • Notting Hills
    • Titanic
    • Shakespear In Love

  16. Triangles(eternal or otherwise);man loves woman and unfortunately, one or both are already spoken for . Examples.
    • The Graduate
    • Jules et Jim
    • Penniies From Heaven
    • Remains Of The Day
    • Dangerous Liaisons

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Taglines of some famous movies


these are the kind of short,pitchy slogans you see on the
film posters that capture,at an emotional level,what it's about,or the kind of shortdescriptive
billings used in the weekly guides('a gripping tale of family passion,intrigue and drama').

They are also increasinglyused in film trailor,usually at the start-to hook you.
Thier sole purpose is to attract an audience.They are about creating the
right expectation-in producers,agents,the audience.
taglines are also called log-lines and strap-lines.
Taglines consist of two key elements.

  • the rule of Three.
  • Contrasts:start with afactual description,then take the imagination on a journey.

Erin Brockovich(2000).

"She brought a small town to its feet,and a large corporation to its knees".

Ocean's Eleven(2002).

(i)'3 Casinos,11 guys,150 million bucks.
Readyto Win Big?'
(ii)'Are you in or Out?'

The Bourne Indentity(2002).

'He was the perfect Weapon-untill he became a target.'

Schindler's List(1994)

'the List is Life.The man is the Real.The story is True'

The Graduate(1967)

'This is banjamin .... He's a little worried about his future'



'For Years the signs have been appearing-soon... their mystry will be revealed'


'What we do in Life Echoes in Eternity'

Shakespeare In Love(1998)


'A comedy about the greatest love story almost never told'

Catch Me If You Can(2003)


'the true story of a real fake'

Thelma and Louise(1991)

'Somebody said "get a life"- so they did'

Saturday, July 2, 2011


These are the kind of short,pitchy slogans you see on the film posters that capture,at an emotional level,what it's about,or the kind of short descriptive billings used in the weekly guides('a gripping tale of family passion,intrigue and drama').
They are also increasingly used in film trailor,usually at the start-to hook you.Their sole purpose is to attract an audience.They are about creating the right expectation-in producers,agents,the audience.

Taglines are also called log-lines and strap-lines.

Taglines consist of two key elements.

  • The rule of Three.
  • Contrasts:start with a factual description,then take the imagination on a journey.

Erin Brockovich(2000).
"She brought a small town to its feet,
and a large corporation to its knees".

Ocean's Eleven(2002).
(i)'3 Casinos,11 guys,150 million bucks.
Ready to Win Big?'
(ii)'Are you in or Out?'

The  Bourne Indentity(2002).
'He was the perfect Weapon-untill he became a target.'

Schindler's List(1994)
'The List is Life.The man is the Real.The story is True'

The Graduate(1967)
'This is banjamin .... He's a little worried about his future'

'For Years the signs have been appearing-soon... their mystry will be revealed'

'What we do in Life Echoes in Eternity'

Shakespeare In Love(1998).
'A comedy about the greatest love story almost never told'

Catch  Me If You Can(2003).
'the true story of a real fake'

Thelma and Louise(1991)
'Somebody said "get a life"- so they did'

Friday, July 1, 2011

one liner web edition

one liner of some famous movies


One sentence no more than 25 words to express story is called one-liner.This sentence focus the core idea of story.It can be used as device in selling the idea to someone(pitching of story).
Here is small list of some movies and their one-liner.

Field Of Dreams.

The story of a simple Iowa farmer who, against all odds,finds the courage to believe in his dreams.
click any link for detail.

Panic Room.

Three men search for a missing fortune in a big mansion while a women hides in one of its rooms.
click any link for detail.

Star Trek

The Odyssey in Space.
click any link for detail.

The Lion King.

Hamlet in furs.
click any link for detail.


When a policeaman helping an investigation in Alaska accidently kills his partner, he is blackmailed by the killer he is investigating.
click any link for detail.

Big Night.

A failing Italian restaurant run by two brothers gambles on one special night to try to save their business.
click any link for detail.

Intolerable Cruelty.

A revenge -seeking gold digger marries a womanizing Beverly Hills lawyer with the intention of making a killing in the divorce.
click any link for detail.


Romeo and Juliet - on the Titanic.

click any link for detail.